Boosting finance for energy efficiency investments.

How to drive new finance for energy efficiency investments is an interesting document elaborated by the Energy Efficency Financial Institutions Group EEFIG of The European Commission.

EEFIG, created in late 2013, describes existing and emerging financial instruments for energy efficiency investments.


Momentum for Change: Innovative financing for climate-friendly investment – Launch event by UNClimateChange used under CC BY 2.0. No changes were made.

It is about “Credit Lines”, “Risk Sharing Facilities” as Guarantee Funds and First-Loss Facilities, “Equity Investments in Real Estate”; it also is about “On Bill Repayments” and “Green Bonds” for Green buildings.

EEFIG affirms that barriers to private-public financial cooperation require to be overcome:

“Priority and appropriate use of EU Structural and Investment Funds and ETS revenues through public-private financial instruments from 2014-2020 will boost energy efficiency investment volumes and help accelerate the engagement of private sector finance through scaled risk-sharing: The scale of finance needed to upgrade the building stock means this cannot be achieved by the private sector alone… In this way opportunities for private finance to supplement public sector finance activity can be secured to maximize impact in terms of a number of buildings refurbished and increasing the private funds leveraged for every euro of public money invested.”

Obviously, it is a matter of public-private partnership culture. One of the main barriers for ESCOs in Spain for energy efficiency investments in MUSH sector.

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